Thank you for visiting my site. I am the stage of my life where I can choose to do the work that has the most meaning to me. Whether I am engaged monthly with over 45 CEOs and VPs in my TEC Canada Peer Groups or using my photographs to create Wall Art Prints to decorate corporate offices and homes, they are all activities designed to help and inspire people to achieve their personal and professional ambitions. 

  • All of the business activities listed here are conducted within my Carlos Fox Leadership Inc. company.


TEC CAnada Master Chair

As a TEC Chair, I lead three distinct peer groups in Ottawa:

  • CEOs Medium/Large Businesses

  • CEOs/Owners Small Businesses

  • KEY Executives reporting to CEO

Members gain deeper insights, make better decisions, create real impact & become better leaders. 


Click LOGO to visit the TEC Canada website.

Click LOGO to visit the TEC Canada website.

Click image for more details


A new program designed to help executives get ready for their transition to their “Third Act” of Life.

Stay tuned as we firm up the program.

Click image to visit Carlos Fox Photography


 Wall Art Prints for living and work spaces.

  • Museum Quality Watercolour Prints

  • Museum Quality CANVAS Prints

  • All original images by Carlos Fox.

Deeper insights, real impact


The challenges facing Canadian business leaders are increasingly complex. It's easy to feel overloaded with information, stretched and alone. Leaders are looking for a safe harbour where they can receive advice and support.

TEC's proven process has helped over 1,400 Canadian Executives and owners make better decisions. TEC offers a peer advisory board supported by one-to-one coaching, expert speakers, fast-paced learning and global networking. It al adds up to the most comprehensive executive and leadership development program in the industry.

TEC Vision: Accelerate the growth and development of Canadian business leaders.

TEC Mission: Dedicated to increasing the effectiveness and enhancing the lives of chief executives and business leaders.

TEC Pillars:

  • Confidential Peer Groups led by a professional Chair.

  • One-to-one Executive Coaching

  • Thought Leadership Through Expert Speakers

  • Global Network

Get Connected: Email or Call Carlos Fox to explore potential membership in one of my Ottawa based groups: (613) 294-4223 or 


To learn on TEC Logo...


Wall art photo prints for living and work spaces.


Beautiful images to support and enhance your brand experience of a visitor to your business or home.

Museum quality Metallic Paper, Giclee Watercolour Prints and Canvases.

High resolution images printed on different size mediums up to 40"x60".

Professional interior designers are welcome to inquire about a partnership relationship.

